Ubah warna highlight .
Friday 27 January 2012 • 00:09 • 0 comments


Hi , first time i make tuto . hikhik . Rasanya ramai yang tahu mcam mna nak ubah warna highlight kannn . Tapi mana tahu la kann ada yang tak tahu . Ok jom mulaa . 

1. Go to Templates
2. Click ctrl+f serentak
3. and search word
5. Copy and  pastekan code dibawah ini  di atas a:link  tadi tu .

::-moz-selection {background:#FFFFFF;color:#FF3399;
::selection {

Yang warna merah tu boleh tukar dengan warna sendiri .

Code warna boleh didapati di --------> SINI

No harsh word please !

Hello, my name is Alwani Bt Ismail. I don't need a followers. But i need this blog and my readers . Big thanks to you for stepping my blogg :)

Shout out loud !

Your cbox code goes here ;3

Time Machine
let's get back...

Credit Card
Big clap for them...

Skin by : Najmi Supian
Picture take from : We Heart It
Linkies code : WANA
Big Helped : Them